Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. Talking turkey…are you cooking the turkey this year? Does ham belong on a Thanksgiving day menu? When it comes to gravy do you pour it over your whole plate, skip it altogether, or land somewhere in between? Cranberries-homemade or jelled right out of the can? Do you look forward more to the main course, the savory sides, or the desserts?
There will be no turkey this year. My grandmother is the one that loved it the most so we always had it for her, but since she is no longer with us, we will not have turkey. Ham definitely belongs on a Thanksgiving Day menu, especially my mom’s ham 🙂 I don’t use any gravy at all. Cranberry – jellied, straight out of the can! I don’t look forward to one particular thing-I look forward to ALL of it! The dressing is my favorite food on the Thanksgiving menu though.
2. Holiday movies…tell us your favorite and what it is about the film that makes you love it. Is it the film itself or a memory it stirs?
White Christmas – the music, the scenery, the story; It’s A Wonderful Life – the story, the scenes. (It’s funny that I say that now because I used to not like the movie. It really bothered me that George tried to take his own life. I couldn’t like the movie for that reason…until the last few years.) The Grinch – the story, of course!; Home Alone – I just love watching Kevin rig the house LOL
3. A favorite way to give back and help others?
Every year, (thanks to donations through our church) another lady and I buy clothes and gifts for community kids who probably wouldn’t get Christmas. We start with the ones in our church and extend it outside the church. I joke that it is the only time I enjoy going into Walmart. In all seriousness though, I really do enjoy being able to do this. It is heartbreaking to think that kids would have to go without otherwise.
4. Name a place or setting you encountered this month that made you feel grateful.
Being at home, with my family. Even though my grandmother is no longer here, I had the rest of my family here, and for that I am truly grateful. (I am grateful that my grandmother is in heaven. It is what she lived for, and longed for, and now she celebrates all holidays there, with no pain and no worries).
5. Knowing what you know today, if you could redo yesterday what would you do differently?
LOL….what was yesterday? I’m sure there is always something I could have done differently, but I can’t come up with anything right away.
6. Spill your own random thought here.
The next few weeks are so busy that mentally, I am planning what clothes I will be wearing to what. I have Christmas activities both within the church and the community. Some days, I have more than one so I will have two different sets of clothes that day. I need to make sure I know what is going on 🙂