Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup, and I feel like this one is made for me. I just got back from London and Scotland so I. am. ready!! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. Something that’s had you ‘chuffed to bits’ recently?
So much has me “chuffed to bits” lately – this hodgepodge for one! I love British phrases! Another thing that has me “chuffed to bits” is that it is almost fall! Looking back at my pictures from my recent trip to London and Scotland also has me “chuffed to bits”. I loved it!
2. Tell us about an instance recently where you were tempted to ‘throw a wobbly’ (expression used to describe tantrums thrown, usually by adults or people who should know better)
HAHA I hate to admit it but sometimes people make you want to “throw a wobbly”. I’m pretty sure I’ve been tempted at least once this week.
3. Something everyone seems to love but is not your ‘cuppa tea’?
Currently, the only things I can think of are root beer and matcha. Nope! Neither are my “cuppa tea”!
4. Fish and chips, bangers and mash, shepherd’s pie, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding…which entree would you choose? Yes, you have to choose.
Fish & chips! Now, I do really like shepherd’s pie, but fish & chips will win out almost every time.
5. Something you want for your birthday this year?
My birthday is in 8 days, but as far as actual gifts, I honestly can’t think of anything I actually want. I wouldn’t turn down a free trip though HA!
As far as non-gift things, I would love for us all to get along. Our country is broken; the world is broken. I would like mental disorders and drug addictions not to exist.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Fall is basically here. Imma need this weather here to get it together.

Yep, fish and chips will always be my choice…I love it. I do love root beer but don’t drink soda anymore though.
I don’t know what it is about fish & chips that make them so good HA!