Happy Wednesday, friends! I just found this linkup, thanks to another blogger (Jennifer) that I follow and link up with at other times. I wanted something to finish filling up the week, and since I didn’t have anything else today, I decided to join in. So, today I’m linking in with Joyce’s Wednesday hodgepodge. Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. What’s a skill you think everyone should have?
basic adulting skills – how to balance a checkbook, how to count change (believe it or not, this is an issue now), how to change a tire, etc.
2. Do you have a special place or organizational system for gift wrapping? Do you still buy ‘real’ cards to send for birthdays, anniversaries, get-well, etc?
I don’t wrap much, but when I do, there’s no special place. I just sit in the floor, with gift, paper, tape, and scissors, and wrap. I don’t do it a lot but I do still occasionally buy “real” cards for birthdays, etc.
3. It’s National Banana Day…are you a fan? What’s your favorite thing to make with bananas or, if you’re not a cook, your favorite thing to eat that contains banana?
I love bananas!! My favorite thing to eat that contains banana is a banana! I like banana pudding and banana nut bread too!
4. Do you believe in second chances? Elaborate.
Second chances…absolutely! Just as Jesus gives us grace and allows for second, third, fourth, etc. chances, we should extend that same grace to others. Now, there are times when a line needs to be drawn, especially when mental and physical health is at risk of being affected.
5. What is your idea of fun?
hiking, traveling, planting flowers (who is this person I’ve become?), sitting at home 🙂
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I wonder what the animals think when we run/walk/hike through the woods? I mean, it is their home.

Welcome to the Hodgepodge. I am very late getting around to visit blogs this time, but am glad you participated. It’s a nice, friendly group. I always post the questions on Tuesday and the link early Wednesday. I’m on the East Coast. Making change-oh my! I confounded a cashier the other day by trying to be helpful and giving her coins and it was almost comical. I kind of wanted to climb over the counter and do it myself : ) Hope you are having a nice week!