Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. What was your favorite part about growing up in your hometown?
So, let me preface my answer by saying…most of my favorite parts will actually be in my current town, because my hometown was so small, we had to go into the nearby, slightly larger, towns to do anything. My “hometown” was (and still is) so small that there were no red lights. I don’t think there was anywhere to eat either. Now, they do have a two Mexican restaurants, a Dollar General, another “variety of foods” restaurant, and a fast food restaurant, but still no traffic light.
So, the hometown I remember most is the one I now live in. I remember the Christmas parades (it is still great!) and the treat of getting to eat at Bumpers (they had the best spicy fries and cheeseburgers…at least in my child mind LOL) or at Shoney’s (hello, child’s spaghetti) after a Wednesday afternoon piano lesson.
I’m sure there is so much more I could remember if I just gave myself some time, but those two were the first things that popped into my head.
2. Do you prefer ‘material’ gifts or ‘experience’ gifts? If you answered experience, tell us about one you’ve received and truly enjoyed.
I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten an “experience” gift so I can’t really say which one I would prefer. But, I won’t turn either one down! π

3. Is brown a color featured prominently in your home decor? Your wardrobe? What’s a favorite brown thing you own? Of the brown foods listed here which one is your favorite and/or most often consumed… brown sugar, brown rice, pretzels, coffee, dates, cloves, German chocolate cake, whole wheat bread?
Other than wood floors and furniture with wood, I wouldn’t say that there is much brown in my decor. I also don’t have much brown in my wardrobe either. The only piece of clothing that I can think of is brown and pink plaid flannel shirt. As far as “brown” foods, the ones I consume most are coffee, and brown sugar (when I am drinking hot tea).
4. Which ‘Charlie Brown’ character do you relate to most? If you’re not sure, you can take a fun quick quiz by clicking here-Which Charlie Brown Character Are You? or the one found here-Charlie Brown Quiz. I got the same answer on both.
One quiz has me as Marcie, an introvert (“You’re unassuming, sweet, and intelligent. A bookworm, you’re super insightful, and you’re usually the voice of reason within your friend group. Sure, you love your solitude, but you’re not afraid to step up to the plate when it comes to helping your friends and family.”). The other, Sally (“Youβre super sweet and optimistic, and you’re always down for an adventure. You usually act before thinking, though.”)
Both are mostly true. I am an introvert, but also an extrovert (more introverted though LOL). I do like to read and I do try to be the voice of reason. I do love my solitude too. I am optimistic, and down for an adventure (most of the time). However, the “act before thinking” is not really true. I’m going to think, and think about it.
5. What’s a favorite item you’ve purchased this year?
Do I have to pick? Most of the things I bought in London and Scotland would rank at the top. I’ve bought many things that I would consider favorites, but since I am still Wicked-crazed, the first thing I thought of is this sweatshirt, which I will be wearing when I see the movie this Friday!! π

6. Insert your own random thought here.
me and that pumpkin pie!