Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics.

1. What are your current priorities in this season of life? Elaborate as much or as little as you like.
To live life to the fullest, be nice (you never know what someone is going through), and more than anything – make it to heaven. Everything is fine with me, but our first Thanksgiving without my grandmother is coming up and I miss her 🙁

2. What’s one thing you wish you had more of?
(see above) time with her. On a much less sad note, more money to travel 🙂
3. Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what are your Halloween traditions? Any special plans for Halloween this year?
I don’t really celebrate Halloween. I don’t have kids. I do usually help with the fall festival at church (where the children can wear their costumes if they want) and at the community Trunk or Treat.
4. Last thing you ate that contained chocolate? Last thing you made that called for chocolate?
a tootsie roll at the Trunk or Treat? (do tootsie rolls even have chocolate, or is it just a bunch of sugar with a chocolate flavor?) [so, after a quick Google search, it appears that tootsie rolls do not have chocolate, but are chocolate-flavored with cocoa powder..but isn’t that kind of the same thing.]
5. Do you prefer laid-back weekends or do you like to have a lot of plans? Thinking back to this past weekend… which was it?
I do prefer laid-back weekends, but when I have a lot of plans, they are usually necessary, so I don’t mind them. However, I appreciate the laid-back weekends even more after there are several busy weekends in a row. This past weekend was jam-packed. This coming weekend will be laid-back 🙂
6. Insert your own random thought here.
My Christmas tree has been up for two weeks 🙂