This week’s topic: popular authors whose books I still haven’t read. Some of them look really good, but other books look more interesting at the time. Other authors just scare me LOL.

1. Colleen Hoover
No particular reason other than that I just haven’t gotten around to reading any of her books. I want to though.
2. Stephen King
Nope! His books sound like I would be scared, and I don’t like to be scared. I could be completely wrong about them, but until I can be convinced otherwise, his books are scary and I have no desire to read them.
3. George R. R. Martin
I know he wrote the book that “Game of Thrones” is based on, but I didn’t get into that, so I don’t care anything about reading “A Song of Ice and Fire”.
4. J K Rowling
I know, I know. Harry Potter is popular, and I am a huge fan of the little bit of one movie I’ve seen (and a huge HUGE fan of the Universal rides in Orlando), but when the Harry Potter series came out, I didn’t have time to get into them. Maybe someday…
5. Celeste Ng
6. John Grisham
I probably should be ashamed because he is from the same state that I live in. I just haven’t read any of his books. Not that I won’t, (they do look like they would be really good), but I just haven’t picked up his books before others.
7. James Patterson
I will say his books do look like they would/will be good, but it just seems that other books caught my attention more.
8. Nicholas Sparks
I have friends who have read his books, and I know they will make me cry, so I haven’t read them.
9. Taylor Jenkins Reid
She has some books that look good to me, but I just haven’t read them. I guess it boils down to, something else looks better at the time.
10. Dan Brown
I have heard his books are really good (and I did watch and like the movie “The Da Vinci Code”); I just haven’t been interested enough to read any of the books…yet.
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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Stephen King was such a popular pick this week!
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
I could be totally wrong about them, but his just seem like they will scary HA!