This week’s topic: posts I’ve written that give you the best glimpse of me. (Share the blog/Insta/Twitter posts or YouTube/TikTok videos you’ve made that showcase your personality the most and offer the clearest window into your personality. These are the posts you wish everyone would read!) Some of these are old, like from the very beginning HA! Please overlook my blogging skills back then.
Clearly, I love cats, my family and friends, and traveling! I didn’t even include ALL of the reading-related posts!!

1. It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I’ve always loved Christmas and all of the activities associated with it!
2. Haters Gon’ Hate…
I used to have really, really low self-esteem, and at one time, my blog had a different name. Also, I care even less now than I did at the time of that post 🙂
3. That Time I was {Miss January}
You know “Miss January” peaks your interest LOL
4. Miserable in Paradise (1, 2, 3, 4, Misc)
Let me just say, I really did enjoy my time there. To this day, I still think about all of the great things I saw, experienced, and learned while studying abroad in Belize.
5. Puffins, Lobster, & a Near-Death Experience (Parts 1, 2, 3)
I crack myself up with these titles, but in this case, it was mostly accurate HAHA. I loved Bar Harbor, ME, and want to go back!
6. The One Post I Never Expected to Write
🙁 I didn’t even make a separate post about my worst loss (my grandmother in May 2024). Maybe I can someday, but if not, that’s ok.
7. Oh Iceland 🙂 (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, How to Pack, What We Ate)
I’m ready to go back right now!
8. Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure (May 2021)
My very first, but definitely not last, trip to Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure
9. 7 Things Making Me Happy Right Now / What’s Making Me Happy Right Now
These are always fun to write, and definitely show a lot of who I am and what I like 🙂
10. Alaska in December (parts 1 & 2)
It was cold (and yes, that’s what I like), and there was snow…and we want to go back!
Ten isn’t enough for this so, last but certainly not least…
11. Blue, Lucy, Luna {Years 1, 2, 3}
I have managed to do a post for every birthday, complete with pictures and comments about them from the past year 🙂
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Grief is hard.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Thank you. Yes, it is.