It was another “Wicked”, and also thankful, weekend!! Since my long weekend started Wednesday afternoon, that’s where this update will begin.
I went to see Wicked for the 2nd time with friends on Wednesday night. We went to a theater an hour away. It was still good 🙂 We stopped at Panda Express on the way home, almost hit a deer on the way home (and then again when the approaching vehicle hit it and it rolled back across), but made it home safely, thank the Lord!
I was up early to help my mom cook Thanksgiving food 🙂 Once the ham was on, we ate some breakfast and sat down with a cup of coffee, a book, and a cat, or two.

Soon, it was time to start working on the rest of the food. We got it all ready and then it was time to eat!

Completely stuffed, I rested for a while, before getting ready to go watch Wicked for the 3rd time. My friend’s brother had not been able to go the other 2 times because he was working, so this is the time we was able to go, and of course, we were going to go too LOL. It was great again 🙂
On the way home, I decided to drive through downtown (it was only 2 streets over from mine). It is always beautiful at Christmas time!

As soon as I got home, I was tired and ready for bed, so I didn’t hesitate to get in bed and go to sleep.
I woke up without an alarm (maybe a 3-cat alarm), fed the cats, and had another slow, quiet morning. I did get quite a bit of church work done so that helped out a lot by having more free time on Saturday.
In the afternoon/early evening, I finished putting the rest of the decorations on the front door and the yard.

The rest of the evening was spent relaxing, and watching two Christmas movies 🙂
I had planned to get up and run but when I woke up, I was having stomach issues. Stomach issues and running do not work well together. So, I went back to sleep and got up when the cats told me to. I fed them, made a cup of coffee, and then sat down to read with said cup of coffee.

After coffee and breakfast, I went outside to cut down a “bush” that was getting out of control. It was too close to the house, and grew too fast. It got so big that the branches were scrapping my bedroom windows. (The tallest were almost up to the eaves of the house.) It needed to go. I will eventually plant something else there that isn’t so invasive. But for now, there’s nothing. That took a while and by the time I was finished, it was time to take a shower and eat supper.
Sunday was a normal first Sunday of the month. By that I mean, we had Sunday School, Worship, and the Word like always, but we also had Children’s Church for ages 3-10 during the preaching. This has been a major help to the parents. They are able to pay attention to the preaching without having to worry about their children. The children are enjoying it too.

After church, we went to a local Sunday buffet restaurant that we had not been able to try yet. It was delicious and I’m sure we will be going back in January. (They have a lot of holiday parties in December so they will not have the Sunday lunch buffet during that time.)
The rest of the day was spent relaxing, watching TV, and preparing for the post-Thanksgiving 5-day work week. IYKYK!

Happy Monday!

*linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday!

What a festive and fun weekend!
Yes it was!