Sometimes it is good to just stop and think about what we are thankful for. Life gets hectic and sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong, falling apart. But there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, no matter how small. So, here is what I am thankful for today.

I am thankful for the opportunity to get to work from home some days. It saves on gas; it leaves more time at the end of the day (it is a 35-minute drive one way); I don’t have to deal with people, which drains my energy (hello, fellow introverts!).
I am thankful for the gym. I’m not a fan of the treadmill, but I am glad to have that option during these hot and humid southern summers.

I am thankful to have the resources, room, etc., to have pets. These three turn any bad day around, and make good days even greater 🙂

I am thankful for a job I like I love it most of the time HA! (both paying and volunteering). I am an engineer and I like that work. I am also our church administrative assistant. If you’ve followed along for any length of time, you know I like keeping things organized. Life seems to just go better when you do a job you love.

I enjoyed reading about what you’re thankful for and you are right, there is always something to be thankful for. Love the photos of your kitties!
Thank you!!