Sometimes it is good to stop and think about what we are thankful for. Life gets hectic and sometimes it seems like everything is falling apart. But there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, no matter how small. So, here is what I am thankful for today.

I am thankful for days when we can leave the windows open all day. There’s just something about the fresh air 🙂

I am thankful to still have my grandmother. She is 85 and has a heart condition so we know her time is limited, but I still have her so I am thankful every day for that.
I am thankful that I have a great and caring boss and coworkers. My boss has never had a problem with me needing to be close to my grandmother (aka working from home), and my coworkers will occasionally ask about my grandmother.
Lastly, I am thankful to have spent Mother’s Day with my mom, sister, and grandmother. My sister lives an hour and a half away so she doesn’t get to come in much, but she did for Mother’s Day weekend.