This week’s topic: ten things we love about a certain book. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could come up with ten things about any book, but then I got to think about the most recent book I finished.

1. The cover is pretty!
Where can I find myself a green dress?!

2. Historical Fiction
It is funny that I like historical fiction now because I’m not too fond of (most) history. But here we are!
3. Love
A love found, and then lost (through war). Della & Stefan; Fleur & Hugh
4. Unexpected inheritance
…and, for a little while, unwanted!
5. Reconciliation of the Past
for the Darkinjung people; for Della; for Hugh (through Fleur)
6. An element of mystery
Where did Hugh’s inheritance come from? Who is the Woman in the Green Dress? What is the story behind, and within, the curio shop? What is and where is, this mysterious opal?
7. London/Australia
I want to visit both! (London will be visited in August/September!!)
8. Two female main characters
Della (1853) & Fleur (1919)
9. Friendship
Between Fleur & Kip; between Della & the Darkinjung people; Stefan & Bert
10. Dual timelines
1853 & 1919
*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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It’s cool that you like historical fiction despite not being a fan of regular history.
I love it when historical fiction is painstakingly accurate.
Yeah it is.
I do too!
I have been to London and it is a great city to visit. I have always wanted to go to Australia, at this point I don’t think it will happen. Have a great week!
Yeah I don’t know that I will ever go to Australia, but I can’t say never. Who knows?!
Thank you!
i like historical fiction but i don’t read a ton of it. i love it when dual timelines are used to tell a story.
Whether I liked dual timelines in a story depends on how it is done. I have read some that I didn’t care for, but this book was exceptional. I didn’t have a bit of problem following.