1. What is the most difficult thing you have been through?
I have been blessed to not have a lot of difficulties. I know people who have been through
much more difficult situations but…I guess the most difficult thing I have been through
was having to put my cat to sleep:( [pet parents can understand]
2. What was your best birthday?
I don’t know that I have a best birthday…they have all been great in some way or another
3. What has been your favorite thing you’ve done in your own city?
I don’t know that I have a favorite thing. I love my small town (not sure if it qualifies as a
city) so I love anything and everything about it
4. What is your idea of the perfect date night?
a nice quiet dinner at an Italian restaurant followed by a nice long walk 🙂
5. Have you ever been to a blogging conference? If so which one(s)? If not do you
want to?
I have not been to a blogging conference but I do believe I would like to go to one