1. What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer?
Family vacation to Folly Beach/Charleston, SC…when I have a chance to get all of the
pictures together, there will be a blog post 🙂
2. What was your favorite outfit look/clothing item of the summer?
I honestly can’t think of a favorite outfit/look/clothing item…if I think of something, I guess
I’ll have to come back and edit this post 😉
3. What is one thing you wish you’d gotten to do this summer?
Go to San Diego, CA to see my friend Andrea, her two kids, and husband
4. What was your favorite song of the summer?
hmmm…..I have a few…
“Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake
“Wanted” by Dara McLain (not sure about spelling…too lazy to look…lol)
“Overcomer” by Mandisa
….there are so many more….
5. What was your favorite movie/tv show of the summer?
Great Gatsby…(ok, this is the only movie I could think of…I watched others though)…I did
love this movie though 🙂