1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do but are afraid of?
I can’t think of anything I’ve wanted to do but was afraid of…maybe skydiving…? Most of the
things I want to do but haven’t is just because I haven’t had the chance yet 🙂
2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully married, maybe have a child, or at least expecting one…and hopefully living in
Corinth..I love it here!
3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2013?
1) a trip to NYC with my friends!!!
2) Thanksgiving & Christmas! 🙂
4. What are your hopes for your blog?
I hope it continues to grow and that I can continue to find many more blogging friends.
5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
I can definitely see myself living in my current city. I absolutely love Corinth! I love the old
buildings downtown…I love the “old” character it has.
6. What is your morning routine?
-at 4:30am, turn the alarm off…annoying sound…ugh!
-sit up and try to continue to wake up…some of you know what I mean;)
-pet my cat and give her loving…yes, she is right beside me every time the alarm goes off and this
is apparently when she is really showing her affection (or maybe she’s just trying to help me wake
up..hehe)…but it is so sweet:)
-check Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…on my phone of course…at this point, I haven’t gotten off the bed yet
-put my contacts in (my eyes are officially awake now..ha!)
-go to the bathroom….I have been asleep for 6-8 hours 🙂
-clean the litter box/make sure catfood bowl is full
-brush teeth
-get dressed
-heat breakfast in microwave..{hey, we are in the middle of a kitchen remodel…and who cooks at
5am anyway??…lol}
-last but not least….COFFEE!…and off to work I go!
{there is no routine on Saturdays (: }
-wake up at 6:30 but most of the time I reset the alarm for 7:) {note: we have praise team practice
almost every Sunday morning}
-sit up and make sure I’m awake..hehe
-Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
-contacts in
-clean litter box/fill catfood bowl
-decide what to wear to church…sometimes this takes awhile :/
-brush teeth
-get dressed
-off to church I go!!! (trying to lay off the coffee before church..lol)