1. What is your favorite fall activity?
Watching football games, Fall festivals
2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?
YES! Ole Miss Rebels! :)….why? Because Ole Miss is my alma mater…and why not?!
3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
Honestly, my mind is blank :/
4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
tights, boots, scarfs, sweaters, hoodies 🙂
5. What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season?
the beautiful fall colors (as always), trip to NYC with friends, Thanksgiving
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?
Halloween (not the creepy, bad people, part….just the fun the children have, the candy,
the pumpkins)…and of course, Thanksgiving 🙂
Tradition? First, I get the Christmas tree up before family gets here for Thanksgiving.
Then we spend the week eating (duh!), playing card games, and just being our crazy
selves (hopefully I will be able to have some posts later on of the crazy and funny things
we do 🙂 )
Halloween (not the creepy, bad people, part….just the fun the children have, the candy,
the pumpkins)…and of course, Thanksgiving 🙂
Tradition? First, I get the Christmas tree up before family gets here for Thanksgiving.
Then we spend the week eating (duh!), playing card games, and just being our crazy
selves (hopefully I will be able to have some posts later on of the crazy and funny things
we do 🙂 )