Sunday Social – 2014 week #13 (SS week # 95)

What is your ideal way to relax?
   on the beach with a book

Where is your favorite place to be?
    the beach…Folly Beach, SC to be exact *notice a theme? 😉


Who do you consider your biggest role model?
   I have many but I will say, this time, that my pastor’s wife is one of my biggest role models.
  She is one of the most selfless ladies I know. She loves every single person as if they are
  her family…and yet still has time for her own family. (there is so much more that I could
  say but not going to take up the whole page…at least not this time) 🙂

What does your life look like in 3 years?
    hopefully married…maybe with a child or at least one on the way…lol…but it is all in God’s
    plan so whatever He wants 🙂

If you could go back and change one decision what would it be?
     I honestly don’t think I would change anything. In the end, it makes me a better person.

What is your biggest accomplishment in life thus far?
    Graduating college I…it was a long, tough 6 years:)