1. What is the best New Years Eve you’ve ever had?
can’t remember…lol…seriously… :-/
2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what?
As of now, I have no plans….so I may just be chilling at the house…maybe watching the
NYE celebrations in NYC on TV… (I do hope my friends find us something to do
3. Name a book we should all read come January.
The Single Woman: Life, Love & a Dash of Sass by Mandy Hale. I have started this book
but have not finished it. I plan to get back to it and get it finished come January. I think all
ladies should read it…(and I have heard that some men (boyfriends, husbands) have read
it too…)
* Read the Bible all the way through
* Eat better & lose weight
* Walk more, and hopefully work up to running
…I’m sure there are more I can come up with but this is all my brain came up with when
this was written…LOL
HI Rachel-
Would you be interested in writing a Foodie Friday post for us over at the Mississippi Women Bloggers site? We would LOVE to feature you!! If so, shoot me an email at megjones27 at gmail.com
I would love to share! Thank you! I will definitely be emailing you