I have been looking for new linkups to join and found this linkup. I like that it is every second Monday of the month, and gives topics to think about ahead of time. This month, the prompt is our sweet tooth cravings. This will be fun…and will probably make us hungry!

I’m not a big sweets-eater (which is a good thing because it’s not healthy for me LOL) but when I do have a craving, these are the things I like 🙂 Now, on vacation, not being a big sweets-eater goes away. What is it about traveling that makes us want to eat sweets and other things we normally wouldn’t?!
Nerd Clusters
These are so, so sweet and I just about make myself sick on them but they are so good!

Honey Mustard & Onion Pretzel Pieces
OMG! So good! I know this isn’t really a “sweet” but the honey mustard gives it a sweet taste so I’m including them.

I’m not talking about those really sweet cheesecakes. I mean, the really good ones, that aren’t too sweet. They don’t have to be “made better” by being too sweet. I want an authentic cheesecake 🙂

Pumpkin Pie
This is more of a seasonal thing, but when Thanksgiving comes around, I want pumpkin pie, with some reddi-wip on top! I prefer pumpkin pie over apple pies and sweet potato pies.

Banana Pudding
I love a good banana pudding! Some are better than others, but I haven’t had one that I couldn’t eat.

Coconut Cake
Not just any coconut cake – our bishop’s wife’s coconut cake! She makes the best!

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Oh, I love the honey mustard and onion pretzel bites! Yum yum yum!!!