I have been looking for new linkups to join and found this linkup. I like that it is every second Monday of the month, and gives topics to think about ahead of time. This month, the prompt is our least favorite activities. Honestly I could only think of one so here goes – my least favorite activity.

Changing the sheets on the bed
My mattress is heavy. So, after lifting 6 corners (4 times for the fitted sheet, and twice at the bottom to fold the flat sheet under), and I’m almost always moving rather quickly why am I like this? HA!, I’m usually hot. I don’t know why making the bed makes me hot, but it does. Maybe I need to considered it a bit of cardio.

But the reward of getting into bed with fresh clean sheets, makes my least favorite activity totally worth it!

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I also love fresh clean sheets but I dread changing them. Blah.
Yes! I am such a sweaty mess by the time I’m done remaking the bed(s).
Changing sheets is also one of my least favorite things. Thanks for linking up with us!