Well, here I am with a “bonus” post. I don’t normally post on Saturdays, but this may become a regular, monthly thing (the last Saturday of the month). Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” after Heather decided to no longer host the link-up. The prompts will be the same every month, but I may add something new to my own every once in a while.
Now, for what we are here for: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something I Ate.

I love running outside, whether it is a short run or a long run. Even when it has been cold, I had still rather be outside. It’s just something about the fresh air, and daylight 🙂

I’ve had pretty good momentum coming/going into the new year so hopefully I can keep this up, or maybe even improve. I read 3 books this month! (I will be sharing my review of all three in a few days and will come back and link that here)

I am learning, and try to accept, that if I wake up on a Saturday morning and something is hurting (stomach, head, whatever), it is ok to sleep and rest, and that I can do it another day. I don’t want to sound like I am a sick person. I am not. I am actually healthy. But because of medicine I take, or sinus problems, sometimes I have a headache or stomach issues, and when it is on running days, I don’t want to be 6 miles from home, especially if I need a bathroom LOL

Parmesan Crisps with Spinach & Artichoke Dip. I. Love. It!

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.

Jane Harper is madly popular at the moment. Did you like it? And it is endeed Okay to Rest. It’s funny how we find it so hard to do! #ShareFourSomethings
Yes, of the 3 or 4 of her books that I’ve read, I’ve loved them all!
I don’t run, but that photo looks like a place I would enjoy walking.
Yes, it is also great for walking too. I do see people walking from time to time (depends on the time I’m out running)
Parmesan Crisps with spinach artichoke dip sounds heavenly! 🙂 That looks like a lovely place to run, too. I think learning to rest is a great lesson that we could all take to heart.
Yes, it is a great lesson, but seems so hard to do sometimes.
Spinach Artichoke Dip. That sounds yummy right about now! And, I so wish one day I could write the words, “I love running….”
haha! I honestly used to think the same thing, and I don’t know what happened. As Forrest Gump said, “I just started running…”
Welcome to the link up! I hope you do decide to continue. I love walking outside, have tried jogging, and got into it for a little while, but I am better at walking. I am not great about keeping the habit when it is cold though.
Yeah, the cold does make it harder, but as long as you still have the desire to do it, I think that makes a difference.
Loved this super simple post! New Here! might joinin!
I love the idea of share four Saturday! Definitely important to give yourself rest days x