“Share Four” Saturday {1.28.23}

Well, here I am with a “bonus” post. I don’t normally post on Saturdays, but this may become a regular, monthly thing (the last Saturday of the month). Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” after Heather decided to no longer host the link-up. The prompts will be the same every month, but I may add something new to my own every once in a while.

Now, for what we are here for: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something I Ate.


I love running outside, whether it is a short run or a long run. Even when it has been cold, I had still rather be outside. It’s just something about the fresh air, and daylight 🙂


I’ve had pretty good momentum coming/going into the new year so hopefully I can keep this up, or maybe even improve. I read 3 books this month! (I will be sharing my review of all three in a few days and will come back and link that here)


I am learning, and try to accept, that if I wake up on a Saturday morning and something is hurting (stomach, head, whatever), it is ok to sleep and rest, and that I can do it another day. I don’t want to sound like I am a sick person. I am not. I am actually healthy. But because of medicine I take, or sinus problems, sometimes I have a headache or stomach issues, and when it is on running days, I don’t want to be 6 miles from home, especially if I need a bathroom LOL


Parmesan Crisps with Spinach & Artichoke Dip. I. Love. It!

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.


  1. Lydia C. Lee

    Jane Harper is madly popular at the moment. Did you like it? And it is endeed Okay to Rest. It’s funny how we find it so hard to do! #ShareFourSomethings

    1. resimmons82

      Yes, it is also great for walking too. I do see people walking from time to time (depends on the time I’m out running)

  2. Amy Grasso

    Parmesan Crisps with spinach artichoke dip sounds heavenly! 🙂 That looks like a lovely place to run, too. I think learning to rest is a great lesson that we could all take to heart.

    1. resimmons82

      haha! I honestly used to think the same thing, and I don’t know what happened. As Forrest Gump said, “I just started running…”

  3. Cindy Davis

    Welcome to the link up! I hope you do decide to continue. I love walking outside, have tried jogging, and got into it for a little while, but I am better at walking. I am not great about keeping the habit when it is cold though.

    1. resimmons82

      Yeah, the cold does make it harder, but as long as you still have the desire to do it, I think that makes a difference.

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