It’s the last Saturday of the month and it’s time for another “bonus” post! I’m linking up with Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness. She hosts the link-up every last Saturday.
What we are here for: Something I Loved (or Disliked), Something I Accomplished, Something I Improved Upon (or that Needs Improvement) & Something I Noticed. It will be short and sweet, and without pictures this time.

Our few “false fall” days. I wish it was “real fall” but I’ll take what I can get!
I got packed for vacation HAHA!
I need to improve upon my meal planning. I plan everything else so why is this so hard?
I have noticed that, despite the very high temperatures the last few days, the humidity has been low, which is a nice change. Now, to just get to the lower temperatures too 🙂

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.