It’s the last Saturday of the month and it’s time for another “bonus” post! I’m linking up with Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness. She hosts the link-up every last Saturday.
What we are here for: Something I Loved (or Disliked), Something I Accomplished, Something I Improved Upon (or that Needs Improvement) & Something I Noticed.

Our local Slugburger festival (FYI: slug is slang for nickel, which is what they cost way back when)

I have loved home-grown vegetables!

Coffee (with cats) and reading on Saturday mornings

Running outside almost every Saturday. Summers are hot here, so it is hard to get afternoon runs in unless on the treadmill. But I love the Saturday morning runs!

Running and going to the gym have improved this month.
Getting my closet and planner accessories cleaned out and organized needs improvement. It has been an ongoing task. Other things take priority but it needs to happen soon. I’m tired of it not being done LOL.
The days are already getting shorter…and it is 36 days until meteorological fall (Sept. 1) & 57 days until astronomical fall (Sept. 22). I go with meteorological Fall because it starts earlier 🙂

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.

The slugburger festival looks like a lot of fun, although I’m not sure I could get past the name! LOL Hope you’re having a great week!
Sounds like a great month! I have noticed the days getting shorter as well. Great job getting out and running, and going to the gym. That is something I still need to improve upon.
The slugburger festival sounds fantastic! What fun. I noticed the days are getting shorter too. Sigh…
Sounds like a great month.
Visiting today from S4S #9