It’s the last Saturday of the month so it’s time for another “bonus” post. Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” after Heather decided to no longer host the link-up. The prompts will be the same every month, but I may add something new to my own every once in a while.
Now, for what we are here for: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something I Ate.

outside runs and days with the windows open.

Exiles by Jane Harper & Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor. Loved them both! Jane Harper is an excellent author. As far as “Let Your Mind Run”, I’m always interested in improving my running, mentally and physically. I will have my monthly review posted in a few days and these two will be discussed further.

that, in 1865, there was a steamboat explosion on the Mississippi River. Sultana was carrying 2130 people (mostly soldiers) when it was only designed for 376 passengers. The explosion killed 1169 people. I never heard about this in my state history class or any class that talked about the civil war. Now I’m wondering what else I wasn’t taught…
Triple Succotash + sour cream = DELICIOUS! Without the sour cream is really good, but adding sour cream takes it over the top. To me, it takes like a really REALLY great soup 🙂

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.
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