It’s the last Saturday of the month so it’s time for another “bonus” post. Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” after Heather decided to no longer host the link-up. The prompts will be the same every month, but I may add something new to my own every once in a while.
Now, for what we are here for Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something I Ate.

all of the daffodils! They are my favorite flower and they make me happy 🙂

In the Woods by Tana French & Becoming Free Indeed by Jinger Duggar Vuolo. Loved them both! I will have my monthly review posted in a few days and these two will be discussed further.

that if I don’t want to have a headache keeping me from running on Saturday mornings (at least during this pollen season), I can set an alarm two hours earlier and take a dose of sinus medicine. It worked last week! After taking the medicine and going back to sleep, I woke up to run without a headache and was able to run! (if you remember, in the last 2 “Share 5 Saturdays” I’ve talked about learning that it is ok to rest, and it was because I wake up with a headache most Saturday mornings.)

cucumbers+sour cream & chive cream cheese spread+Everything but bagel seasoning = DELICIOUS!! (this is so much better with fresh cucumbers from the garden but these from the grocery store were not bad at all)

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.

Those daffodil photos are beautiful – they made me happy, just lookin at them!!:) Happy spring!!
Yes! Me too!