Well, here I am with another “bonus” post. I don’t normally post on Saturdays, but this will more than likely be a regular, monthly thing (the last Saturday of the month). Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” after Heather decided to no longer host the link-up. The prompts will be the same every month, but I may add something new to my own every once in a while.
Now, for what we are here for: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something I Ate.

vacations with friends to Disney. We spent 4 days in Disney, visiting all 4 parks. We ate (too much), rode all the rides (that we wanted to), rested when we could, and just had fun!

I read 2 books, and started a 3rd book. 2.5 hour flights help with getting books read.

Again, the same as January…if I wake up on a Saturday morning and something is hurting (stomach, head, whatever), it is ok to sleep and rest, and that I can do it another day. ‘Tis the season for sinus trouble, I suppose.

Disney food 🙂

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.