“Share 4” Saturday [2.23.25]

It’s the last Saturday of the month! It’s time for the “bonus” Saturday post! I’m linking up with Jennifer from My Joyful Life. She hosts the link-up every last Saturday.

Now, let’s get to what we are here for: some things I loved, some things I learned, some things that went well & some things I let go of.


A little bit more snow. It wasn’t much, but it was pretty. This is after it was cleared off of the roads.

Some warm days, but also winter days. Great for running either way 🙂 Better than hot.

Daffodils are slowly making their appearance.


There is a “Multi-City” option when booking plane tickets. I had no idea! Maybe I am very late to the party, but I recently learned this, and it was a game changer when booking flights to and from Italy (arriving in Venice and departing Rome).


My grandmother’s tombstone was finally finished and placed so we went to see that. I thought that I would cry, but I didn’t, so I will say that seeing it placed (and not breaking down) went well.


Still more things on the carport. Now on to the garage!

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.

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