It’s the last Saturday of the month and it’s time for another “bonus” post! I’m linking up with Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness. She hosts the link-up every last Saturday.
What we are here for: Something I Loved (or Disliked), Something I Accomplished, Something I Improved Upon (or that Needs Improvement) & Something I Noticed.

Wicked, the movie. I saw it 3 times, within a week (opening night, the night before Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving night). It is that good 🙂

10K trail run. It was a fun and beautiful run 🙂

Sugar Plum danish. This is DELICIOUS!

Downtown Christmas lights.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever with a great group of some of our church ladies. We missed the ones who didn’t make it.

Getting the rest of the outside Christmas decorations up. It wasn’t much but it needed to be done.

Getting the bush outside my bedroom window cut. It seems naked outside my window right now but this thing grew out of control and was almost up to the eaves…and it was scratching my window. I will eventually have something less invasive planted there, but for now, it is bare.
Getting outside to run needs improvement…but life happens, and stomach issues happen :/ I’m not beating myself up about it, but I do want to get better.
Our Main Street Association group has been adding more Christmas decorations the past few years and this year is something else. It makes me smile to see it all lit up! (I need to get pictures of it all!)
It got cold quick…and I’m totally fine with it! It’s my favorite! 🙂

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.

Someone else mentioned wicked and The Great Christmas Pageant 🙂 Love your Christmas decorations!
Thank you!