It’s the last Saturday of the month so it’s time for another “bonus” post. Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness has taken over “Share 4 Somethings” and hosts the link-up every last Saturday.
What we are here for: Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned & Something, or in this case, somewhere I Ate.

this nail color! I decided that when I got my nails done before heading to Hawaii, I wanted a bright color, something that made me think tropical. So, “No Regrets”!


The aluminum foil trick that people show on TikTok does not work on our cats. They are too smart for that. We put some under and around the Christmas tree and they still get under there, and will even try to pull up the foil.
lunch on the porch! I love this time of year! Perfect weather and no bugs (or at least not any that I saw) to bother me.

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.