It’s the last Saturday of the month and it’s time for another “bonus” post! I’m linking up with Jennifer from Overcome With Thankfulness. She hosts the link-up every last Saturday.
What we are here for: Something I Loved (or Disliked), Something I Accomplished, Something I Improved Upon (or that Needs Improvement) & Something I Noticed.

Fall temperatures!

Another successful year for our 5K fundraiser! (Today is the day!)

My room needs improvement. To be fair, I have had a church anniversary, a 25K-ish trail run, “the sky is falling” kind of weeks at work, and coordinating/directing a 5K this month so trying to switch out my summer and winter clothes has not happened, so that is in constant transition, plus I’ve had all of the above laid out semi-organized all month, so, yeah, my room needs help!

The temperature is not falling like I think it should. Maybe it’s always this way here, but I feel like it should be cooler than this by now…or maybe I’m just impatient LOL

*linking up with Jennifer for “Share 4 Somethings”.

Congrats on the successful fundraiser! When you’re busy with so many things at once, there’s always something that has to remain undone for the time being. My rooms really need improvement right now too, because I’ve been busy with other things.