I found this linkup a few weeks ago and loved it! Plus, I don’t have enough running-themed posts.

I runfess… that I need to be running outside as much as I can because very soon, I will have to be inside a gym on the treadmill because summer in the South is hot and humid. The only way I will be able to run outside is if it is very early in the morning before the sun is fully up, and even then, some mornings are already hot and humid.

I gymfess… that I have taken a break from the gym during most of the fall, winter, and spring because I LOVE running outside so I just never made the time to go to the gym too. But it is almost summer, and in the south, the summer is ridiculous so I will be running on the “dread”mill at the gym, While I’m not a fan of having to run inside, it means I will also be getting in the strength and weight workouts again. I’m not upset about that.

I hikefess… that I wish we could have gone hiking last weekend but it was stormy and that was dangerous. However, the pavilion was already rented so we were able to just change the date so we now have a plan to go in the fall. I’m sure that will be even better. I love fall!

*linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.

I bought my treadmill when I lived in TX. To walk, LOL, I hadn’t started to run yet! Now I’m in NY.
Hiking in the Fall will be lovely!
Oh I can only imagine that there are great places to run outside in NY!
Ah, a fellow southerner! I live in Florida and I know, it’s brutal. Sometimes the humidity in the very early morning is much worse than later in the day. But, the flip side is we get to run outside comfortably all winter! And going to the gym is never a bad thing- it’s good to get those other workouts in.
Yes, that is how I look at “having to go” to the gym in the summer…I get the other workouts in now:)
I am also not a fan of summer running! Too hot! Nice to connect w you in this link up. Feel free to join our coffee date next week or our weekly Sunday run down. Both are super fun!
I’m already ready for the coffee date!
Welcome to the Runfessional! Thanks so much for joining us! I can’t even imagine how tough running in the South over the summer must be. I’ve done a couple of marathon sized runs in Hiton Head SC when it was in the 80s and those were a death march.
oh yes! Death March is an accurate description! HA!
I run outside all year because I hat e the treadmill but it doesn’t get as warm up here as where you live.
I recently got a 12 week free membership to the gym and I enjoyed the machines each morning so much that I may even join.
Of course as it gets too warm to run in the afternoon, I may have to run before work and that is when I usually go to the gym… first world problems.
I may still be able to run outside on Saturdays but that means I will have to be up and out before the sun comes up (with a lighted vest, of course!)
Great to see a new face (or blog, LOL) on the link-up! As Deborah mentioned, we also have a weekly Sunday link-up that she and I host…we’d love to have you join us! Most of us also take part in the fun “coffee date” link-up (happening next weekend). It’s fun to read about each other’s happenings and support one another. I’m in Iowa, so we get a taste of every season and EVERY kind of weather. I much prefer summer because our winters are insanely brutal. I’m one of the rare ones who actually like running in the summer heat better than in the colder temps. Truth!
Yes! I love reading and support each other’s posts! I am ready for the coffee date!
I wish our summers were more like yours!
I am one who actually likes the tread β at least for shorter runs with intervals so I donβt get bored!
Yeah it’s not too bad for short runs but I need to be doing some longer runs for training and I know I’m going to be bored to death LOL