It’s the last Friday of the month and the year! It is hard to believe that it is the end of another year. Anyway, the reason we are here… my runfessions for December:)

I runfess… that December was kinda low on the mileage. I had a half marathon on the first Saturday and a 5K on the 2nd Saturday, but other than that, I don’t think I got any other miles in. It wasn’t really intentional- I was just busy!

I gymfess… that I am trying to figure out how to fit more time in at the gym. I feel like I’m too busy, but in reality, I can make time for it most of the time. I just need to make that happen!
I runfess… that I have a race (sometimes more than one) scheduled every month in 2025 except June & July…but that could change.
*linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.

It gets crazy this time of year, kudos for the workouts that you did make happen!