This week’s topic was a freebie. I decided to find books with my name either in the title, as a character, or as an author.

1. What Happened to Rachel Riley? – Claire Swinarski

2. The Reappearance of Rachel Price – Holly Jackson

3. The Books of Rachel – Joel Gross

4. Rachel’s Holiday – Marian Keyes

5. The Rachel Papers – Martin Amis

6. Rachel’s Secret / Rachel’s Promise / Rachel’s Hope – Shelly Sanders

7. The Personal History of Rachel DuPree– Ann Weisgarber

8. Rachel to the Rescue – Elinor Lipman

9. The Wife Upstairs / Reckless Girls, etc. – Rachel Hawkins

10. The Beach House / Welcome to Jubilee / The Bucket List, etc. – Rachel Hanna

*Linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl for this Top Ten Tuesday!

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What a fun theme! I always get excited when I find characters who have my name.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Haha I do too!
Oh what a fun topic!! I may steal this one for a future idea!
Steal away! 🙂
#1 is a great read and #2 is on my TBR list. It sounds excellent!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
A few were on my TBR list but after a little research for this topic, quite a few more have now been added.