I got this idea from a friend who “borrowed” it from another blogger who had borrowed it from another blogger….lol….still with me? 🙂 What I’m [reading]: “Going Rogue-An American Life” by Sarah Palin What I’m [also reading]: haha…I am reading different things…well, technically I am about to start reading-“Spoken from the Heart” by Laura Bush and …
I saw someone had compiled a list of different phobias and I thought I would look up some myself…..there are TONS of phobias. I am going to only pick one (and hopefully not repeat the ones the other person had) for each letter of the alphabet (except for Q and Z)…I found these in The Indexed Phobia …
well, I am new at blogging so I really don’t have anything to say right now. For those that know me well, I’m sure it is a huge surprise that I would have nothing to say……but just give me a little bit, and I’m sure I will…….so, keep checking back=)