I’m loving that…(I know it’s a day late but posting anyway!) 🙂 -God! (ok…I love Him every day but why not put it on my blog?!) 😉 -my favorite season is almost here (although it doesn’t feel like it right now:-/) -NYC trip with friends is getting closer and closer! -my “forever friend”, “sister” Andrea …
**I’m sorry….but if you are not a fan of Ole Miss, you might not want to watch this 🙂 ** This is my Alma Mater! Always love hearing the Ole Miss band…”The Pride of the South” (I did not shoot this video…I wish it was better quality but you can still hear what you need to) …
1. What do you miss most about being a kid? How simple life was….it may have not seemed like it at the time, but looking back, it was simple…no responsibilities… 2. Did you have a nickname growing up? What was it? nothing special…some like “Rach”…my mom called me “Rachel Pachel” sometimes 🙂 3. What was your …
Our praise team sang this at Easter. We haven’t sang it anymore…until yesterday. I love this song! Just listen to the words….it needs no explanation:)
1. What is something you’ve always wanted to do but are afraid of? I can’t think of anything I’ve wanted to do but was afraid of…maybe skydiving…? Most of the things I want to do but haven’t is just because I haven’t had the chance yet 🙂 2. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully …
“What’s my life if it’s not praising You?” Seriously, what is the point? If we’re not praising God for all He does for us, we’re wasting our life, the life He gave us. I want to “live in such a way that it reflects to You, my praise”
1. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? a pediatrician…started out on that route in college but that didn’t work. God obviously had other plans 🙂 2. What was your favorite way to kill time as a kid? playing Barbies 🙂 3. When did you get your first cell …
What I’m loving… – we have had much cooler weather…especially for July/beginning of August! – my sister is a married lady now, and we had a big turnout for hers & Jacob’s reception last Saturday (post coming soon!) – Fall is a little over a month away!! 🙂
I am in love with this song! Even when we try to run from God, He is still there. {ok….I don’t always get the meaning of songs as quick as some so if you are like me, I will help you out:) } In the verses of the song, the singer is talking about everything he has …
1. What are 3 items you can’t live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don’t count)? my phone, coffee, ….since family, friends, & pets are not “items”, I guess that just about sums it up 😉 2. What is your all time favorite book? …