It was a nice weekend! Friday Nothing exciting on Friday – I did laundry and cut down last year’s liriope before this year’s starts growing lol. I did get cuddle time with cats and watched TV, so I guess that was exciting 🙂 Saturday Saturday morning, I got up, fed the cats, bundled up, and …
It’s Friday! Let’s see what some of my favorites have been lately. You already know 😻 Coffee in Christmas mugs 🙂 My friend’s Chick-fil-A Christmas party Running outside, even if bundled up 😉 Bring able to help “less fortunate” community kids have a Merry Christmas Snow!!! New year, new planner 🙂 a good shell-less taco …
I have found these interesting lately. Maybe you will too! Health & Wellness Science & Tech Travel …and for the other things…
Today I am going to look at my low-level goals for 2025. I believe these are easily obtainable 🙂 #1: READ TWO BOOKS A MONTH. Sometimes I struggle to have the time to read but if I work on some of my distractions, that would help 🙂 …which leads me to…. #2: STOP LOOKING AT …
Happy Wednesday, friends! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. It’s been said January is ‘the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change.” Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate. Opportunity…to travel a lot, to visit new places, to explore. …
Our topic for this week is our bookish goals for 2025. I do think these are achievable 🙂 1. Read two books a month. I feel like this is a lofty goal for me because I struggle to get one sometimes, but I am going to try harder this year. 2. Complete book reviews as …
It was a snowy and cozy weekend! Friday It snowed!!! We were working from home that day so it didn’t affect that. But after work, we spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying the fireplace. We were supposed to have a revival service but due to the icy roads, it was cancelled. So, …
I recently found this linkup and I wanted to join in with Marsha in the Middle. Every month has a different prompt but I’m starting with January’s: 10 things you either want to remember or forget about 2024. I decided to list them per month so this will be 12 on the 10th:) I had …
Sometimes it is good to stop and think about what we are thankful for. Life gets hectic and sometimes it seems like everything is falling apart. But there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, no matter how small. Since this is the first one of 2025, here is what I am thankful for, concerning …
Happy Wednesday, friends! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. At the end of every year (or at least since the mid-1970s) Lake Superior State University posts a list of words they think should be banished from the Queen’s English for misuse, overuse, and/or …