A new month, and it’s time for the spring graphic!! Now, let’s see what I am currently up to 🙂 |LOVING| Again, days were warm enough to open the windows. The cats love this too 🙂 Daffodils. They are my favorites, and it makes me happy to see them. |CRAVING| Blueberry Soda & Lobster roll …
Our topic for this week is things characters have said (Maybe a character said something really profound or romantic or hilarious or heartbreaking. You could share witty one-liners, mic-drop moments, snippets of funny dialogue between multiple characters, catchphrases, quotes that have become a part of pop culture–like “May the odds be ever in your favor.”, …
It was a productive weekend! Friday After work, my mom and I headed to Lowe’s to get mulch. We were also going to get flowers but the weather decided it was going to get down into the 20s again so we decided to wait another week. Saturday I was up early, fed the cats, and …
It’s the last Friday of the month! Let’s see what my runfessions are for February:) I runfess… that I have been able to meet my “low key” goal of running (or walking) at least three times a week. I gymfess… that I have been using the gym more because I know that I do need …
It’s time for another Monthly Musing!! This time I’m talking about how we show love. It looks like a lot of these would be related to a significant other. I don’t have one of those, but I’m still joining in, and if I think it pertains to an SO, then the answer will be hypothetical …
Happy Wednesday, friends! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. February 26th is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day…have you read a fairy tale lately? What’s your favorite fairy tale? Do you believe in ‘happily ever after’? I haven’t read a …
It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| Chili, southern cooking, tzatziki & Naan crisps, and New York Crunch roll. |What I’m Reminiscing About| We’re in the middle of planning this year’s “big” trip so it has me thinking about last year’s too…to London …
Our topic for this week is books set in another time. These can be historical, futuristic, alternate universes, or even in a world where you’re not sure when it takes place but you just know it’s not now. I’m going to go with books set in a historical time, but narrowing it down to the …
It was another nice weekend! Friday On Friday, after work, we had to go pick up medicine, which is 30 minutes away. Once we got back home, it was time to relax and enjoy being at home. Saturday I was up early to feed cats, get dressed, and head out for a 9-mile run. While …
It’s the last Saturday of the month! It’s time for the “bonus” Saturday post! I’m linking up with Jennifer from My Joyful Life. She hosts the link-up every last Saturday. Now, let’s get to what we are here for: some things I loved, some things I learned, some things that went well & some things …