It’s Friday, and it’s time for the Spring graphics! Let’s see what some of my favorites have been lately. You already know 😻 Gym sessions (and downtown walks) with my mom and sister are a favorite! A concert by our local Symphony will always be a favorite as well! Seeing a groundhog up close was …
There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, no matter how small. These are just a few of the things lately that I am thankful for. I am thankful for daffodils in the spring. They make me happy 🙂 I am thankful to have the bestest friend. Some days, we may not communicate in any …
Today I am going to look at how I reset for the week on Sundays. This routine is pretty consistent but, like with most things, it does change up some weeks. #1: Go to Church. I need Jesus to help me deal with work (most days – if you know, you know) so what better …
Happy Wednesday, friends! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. March 15th is known as The Ides of March, the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C….have you ever been to Rome? If so what did you love …
Our topic for this week is books that Include/Feature [insert your favorite theme or plot device here] (for example: unreliable narrators, coming of age, darkness vs. light, time travel, metafiction, a specific romantic trope, good vs. evil. cliffhangers, flashbacks, plot twists, red herrings, loose ends, stories within stories, meet cutes, symbolism, etc.). I have chosen …
It is the second Monday of the month, so it is time to share our lives. This month, the prompt is an average day in life. Honestly, most of my days are average. They are so average that I don’t even have pictures of them. The routine is the same, whether I work in-office, or …
It was another nice weekend! Friday Friday afternoon was just a leisurely afternoon. I had been fighting a headache all day, so when it finally let up, I was able to enjoy the rest of the day. Sitting on the deck and enjoying the fresh air was nice. Luna likes to go outside, but she …
I recently found this linkup and I wanted to join in with Marsha in the Middle. Every month has a different prompt but let’s get into March’s: #1 I don’t eat chicken on the bone. I can’t explain it. It’s not the chicken; I can eat it in strip form or as a boneless breast. …
On the first Friday of each month, I chat over coffee about what’s happening with me. So, grab a coffee (iced or hot) and pull up a chair! If we were to sit down for a chat over coffee, I would tell you that I am finished with winter. I am one who loves winter, …
Happy Wednesday, friends! Let’s do this!! It’s time for Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup! Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. What do you love most about March? Spring (but not the allergies that come with it); Easter (when it is in March); and, the flowers and trees start blooming back out. …