I found this linkup last year and loved it…and, I don’t have enough running-themed posts. So, here are my runfessions for May. I runfess… that I haven’t run since May 13, when I ran the second local 10K for the month. I will say that, not running, I have been able to spend more time …
It’s time for another Monthly Musing!! This time I’m talking about getting ready for summer and Memorial Day. 1. What are you looking forward to this summer? Staying in the air conditioner LOL. Seriously though, I don’t like being hot. I am looking forward to VBS, and, toward the end of summer (last of August, …
Happy Wednesday, friends! I just found Joyce‘s Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup last month, thanks to another blogger (Jennifer) that I follow and link up with at other times. Here are this week’s questions with my answers in italics. 1. Growing up, at what age did you think you’d become an adult? At what age did you …
If you notice things are a little different, check out the beginning of this post here for a life update. Things are leveling back out, and I’m adjusting, but “life” has noticeably changed some of May. It’s the last Wednesday of the month, it’s time to link up with Shaeffer & Shay for What’s Up Wednesday! |What I’m Eating| …
This week’s topic: books I was super excited to get my hands on but still haven’t read. I’ll be honest – I’m excited about every book I can get my hands on! I’ve had some of these for a while, and when I got them, I was super excited. I don’t know what happened and …
A lot can change in just a week!! If you remember on last weekend’s update, my grandmother was in the hospital. Sadly, she passed away on May 21, 2024. So, last week, I took an unexpected blogging break. While I am still sad and miss her terribly, I am thankful that, one, she is in …
This week’s topic: authors I’d love a new book from. Honestly, I almost didn’t post because, first, the last two days have been, well, something :|, and second, I could only come up with two. But, I decided to go ahead and post with those two. 1. Sarah Morgenthaler The Tourist Attraction / Mistletoe & …
It was a pretty good weekend. Friday Night It was a pretty relaxing night. I finished swapping out my shades. (I had started on it Thursday night) I did start some laundry but the rest of the time was spent visiting with my grandmother, eating supper & watching Vera… working on Vacation Bible School prep, …
It’s Friday, Spring is here, and the days are getting longer! 🙂 Always! Northern Lights…in the South! Checking for the Northern Lights the next night. No lights but it made pretty pictures…and I got the Starlink satellites flying over:) No lights the next night either but the cloudy sky & moon were still pretty. A …
Sometimes it is good to stop and think about what we are thankful for. Life gets hectic and sometimes it seems like everything is falling apart. But there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for, no matter how small. So, here is what I am thankful for today. I am thankful for days when we …