I’m playing catch up but… I still wanted to document the books I read this year and my thoughts on each.

The Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson

books by the same author”. Leia Birch Briggs, a graphic novelist, has a tequila-fueled
fling with an anonymous Batman at a comics convention. Soon, she finds out that
she is pregnant. She decides to tell her family but before she gets a chance, she finds
out that her step-sister’s marriage is falling apart and that her beloved grandmother
has been hiding dementia with help from her best friend since childhood. While she is
home in Alabama taking care of her grandmother’s affairs, cleaning out the Birch
family Victorian home, and telling her family that she’s pregnant, she soon finds that
the dementia isn’t the only thing that her grandmother has been hiding. I don’t know
if it is the setting or the many “mysteries” in the plot, or maybe both, but I really liked
this book!
Red Midnight by Thomas Hal Phillips

local author“. It is about Marcus, who serves a term for murder, but is newly paroled
as the book begins. While in the state prison, he befriends an older convict. Because
of that friendship and because….life itself…, once he is out, there are times when he
wishes he was back inside. This story is about murder, friendship, forgiveness, and a
young man discovering himself. I was pleasantly surprised with the book. Before
choosing it, and reading the description, I thought it sounded “okay enough”, that
surely I could get through it just to check it off of the list. Phillips was a very good
writer, and although the locations were fictional, by the way they were described, I
knew where he was in the story. I think that put me more “into” the story.

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