It’s time to look at the book I read in November! I had planned to read more books this month but I have been really busy, so I only got one book read…but it is better than nothing! 🙂

The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman
Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron & and Ibrahim, the four septuagenarians who make up The Thursday Murder Club, are back with another mystery to solve. They are still living high on the success of their first real-life murder mystery when someone from Elizabeth’s past shows up at Cooper’s Chase. He is desperate for help, as he has been accused of stealing diamonds, is on the lam, and is being chased by bad men. Soon, the first body is found. Then another. Then another. The four are immediately on the case! Will they be able to find out who the murderer is before he/she kills again?
While this is the second book in the The Thursday Murder Club series, you would not have to read the first one before reading this one. There are references to things in the first book, but not knowing what they refer to does not affect the storyline at all.

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