It’s time for another Monthly Musing!! This time I’m talking about how I survive the winter months.

1. What do you do in the winter that brings you joy?
Spending time at home with family and cats 🙂
2. How do you stay warm and cozy?
warm cozy PJs, blankets, fireplace…and kitties in my lap

3. What are you looking forward to this winter?
I don’t know if there’s anything in particular that I am looking forward to this winter but I do enjoy not having to deal with the summer’s humidity and mosquitoes.
4. Favorite wintertime activities?
Not that I live anywhere that I can actually do this but….skiing, snowshoeing, snow machining, walking in the snow in the woods

5. Favorite months of winter?
December & January. February isn’t too bad though.
6. Favorite dishes to make in winter?
soups, especially taco soup
7. Gas or wood burning fireplace?

8. Favorite winter hot beverage?
hot chocolate, coffee with Peppermint Mocha creamer, chai latte

9. Favorite winter movies?
I don’t really have a favorite winter movie but any snowy NYC, London, Iceland, etc. movie is nice 🙂
10. How do you stay healthy in winter?
run, try to drink more water, try to stay away from those that I know are sick.
*linking up with Holly & Patty for Monthly Musings