It’s time for another Monthly Musing!! This time I’m talking about summer’s end and back-to-school prep.

1. Do you meal plan? Any family-friendly recipes to share?
Not really. I guess I might call it meal planning if I know I want to make something at some point in the week (like taco soup), but I don’t have all of the days planned out. I wish I did though. I think I would feel like I had my life a little more together if I did meal plan.
2. What are your back-to-school traditions?
No kids. I work, and that doesn’t change. I would like a summer break though HA!
3. Where do you do your best shopping for kids clothes and supplies?
Well, I don’t have kids, so there’s that.
4. How do you transition your wardrobe for fall?
I move hot-weather clothes to a different closet (or into “storage”) and bring the cold-weather clothes out of that closet and out of storage.
5. Any end-of-summer trips planned?
No, unless you count London and Scotland at the end of August/first of September as an end-of-summer trip. If so, then yes!!
6. Do schools in your area start before or after Labor Day?
Before. One even starts before the start of August. I hate it for the kids and teachers!
7. What are your Labor Day plans?
I will be in London/Scotland 🙂
8. White after Labor Day? Yes or No?
Yes. I used to try and not wear white after Labor Day, but I don’t care now. If I want to wear it, I will. Now, I’m not going to be out there looking like a snowman in all white, but I will wear a white skirt on Sunday if it goes with whatever top I’m wearing.
9. Pumpkin spice…as soon as it comes out or wait until real fall?
As soon as it comes out!!! 🙂

10. Best life hacks for back to school?
Be as organized as possible.
*linking up with Holly & Patty for Monthly Musings

Oh, ENJOY London & Scotland. I hope you blog about your trip because London is one of my favourite places and we just got back from time in Scotland! And how irritating to have to start school in July. Ugh.
I will definitely be blogging about the trip. I am currently working on those posts so hopefully I will have them out soon!
Definitely want to hear more about the London and Scotland trip! Thanks for joining us this month.
I am working on those posts so hopefully very soon!