Monthly Musings: Summer Fashion

It’s time for another Monthly Musing. This time we’re talking about summer fashion.

1. Favorite Summer Outfit?

PJs, in the air-conditioned house. Look, it’s hot and humid here in the summer. I don’t like it.

But when I must go out…

2. Favorite Summer Footwear?

I rotate between these 3.

3. What Summer Accessories Are You Wearing on Repeat?

linen shirts. (see #1)

4. What Do You Use For a Summer Bag?

I feel like this backpack purse has a good summer color. I may or may not change to another color for fall and winter.

5. What Summer Scents Are You Wearing?

Deodorant 😂 seriously though, I don’t have any particular summer scents.

6. Maxi dress? Romper? Jumpsuit?

maxi dress! I love a long “flowy” dress!

7. Favorite Summer Sunglasses?

I don’t have a certain pair of sunglasses for different seasons. I wear the same pair all year long 🙂

8. Favorite Summer PJs?

These make me happy 🙂

9. Do You Wear White After Labor Day?

It depends on the weather. If it is still hot, and I have a summer top that looks better with white, then yes, I will wear white after Labor Day.

10. Favorite Summer Fashion Trend Right Now?

HAHA I had no idea what the current trends are for summer right now. I had to Google it. So, I see that one of them is bold dresses, so yeah, I like that one.

*linking up with Holly & Patty for Monthly Musings


  1. Joanne

    I wear the same sunglasses year round too and I love that deodorant answer! Mine was bug spray! LOL I can’t smell nice; the bugs would have even more of a field day with me.

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