It’s time for another Monthly Musing!! This time I’m talking about fall fun and Halloween.

1. What do you usually do for Halloween?
Well, I don’t have children, so unless I’m helping with the fall festival at church (which I usually do), or helping with the trunk or treat, it is just another day, and I’ll be sitting at home LOL
2. Favorite Fall Traditions?
pumpkin spice & fall festivals.
3. Milkyway or Snickers? Starburst or Skittles?
Snickers, but I do like both. As far as between Starburst and Skittles, I don’t have a favorite. I love them both!
4. Trick or treat or host a party?
Neither LOL
5. Hand out candy or go with trick or treaters?
Snce I have no children, I would say I would rather hand out candy.
6. Do you trick or treat on Oct. 31st or a different day?
I don’t trick or treat but the Trunk or treat that our church participates in is on different days. This year, it just happens to be on October 31st.
7. Do you decorate for Halloween?
No, unless I happen to put a pumpkin out.
8. What do you do with leftover Halloween candy?
Eat it! (But if I don’t, I take it to church and we use it for the kids until it is gone)
9. What are your trick-or-treat hours?
There are no hours if you don’t trick-or-treat
10. What do you have for dinner on Halloween?
Nothing special. It is just another day as far as food goes.
*linking up with Holly & Patty for Monthly Musings