It’s time for another Monthly Musing!! This time I’m talking about all things spring.

1. Favorite thing about spring?
flowers, blue skies, spring rain, open windows

2. What are your spring traditions?
I don’t have any traditions but Easter is a spring holiday and our church (along with a few other sponsors) hosts a Community Egg Hunt.

3. Favorite spring outfits?
All of the bright colors. Also, short-sleeve tops that can easily be covered by a cardigan or jacket if needed.
4. Favorite springtime meal?
No favorite springtime meal. If I want something, I don’t worry about the season. I eat whatever, whenever LOL
5. Spring rain…love or loathe?
Love it, for the most part. But, if I have to drive in it, I loathe it. But in a perfect world, I don’t have to drive and can just sit at home and watch it rain 🙂
6. Favorite spring flower?

7. Do you get seasonal allergies? Best remedies please!
UGH…yes! They are horrible right now. I can keep the sneezing and runny nose at bay if I remember to take Claritin or Zyrtec every night. I don’t have any remedies, but I need some! I have heard that taking/eating/whatever local honey helps. I haven’t tried that, but I need to.
8. Favorite springtime beverage?
Tea….but really, that is an all-the-time beverage 🙂
9. Do you change your home decor for spring?
No, but I do use certain sheet colors/prints on my bed, depending on the season.
10. Lemon meringue pie or strawberry shortcake?
Both 🙂 but if I had to pick, lemon meringue MIGHT barely edge out strawberry shortcake. But then again, sometimes I get a taste for strawberries, so at that point, strawberry shortcake would have the slight majority. See! I can’t pick a favorite!
*linking up with Holly & Patty for Monthly Musings