Miserable in PARADISE – week #4

I’m sorry for the 2.5-month gap between the 3rd and 4th weeks. There has been quite a lot going on…which meant I took an unplanned break. But! (for those that stuck around…bless you!) I am back!…now to the last week in Belize:)
{Day 20}
       7 days!
       * breakfast: “flat” biscuits, sausage gravy, boiled eggs (didn’t eat), watermelon slices,
         orange juice
       * G’s class, then C’s class
       * downpour during the night/early morning = rain dripping in my bed
       * lunch: rice & chicken, some kind of cake (maybe banana)watermelon slices,
       * tried to go snorkeling at Whale’s Shoals but 2 (yes, 2…side by side) bad storm
         clouds came up ==> rough waves, rough ride, sore back & neck
       * supper: noodles with cheese (good), salad with dressing (didn’t eat), some kind of
         cake (pretty good), chicken (didn’t eat), papaya juice
        * scooted my bed over some to get out from under the constant drip from the rain
         My “rhythm” is totally thrown off because I can’t sleep on the side of the bed that I’m
         used to sleeping on
       * “snorkeling creatures” journal work before bed….
{Day 21}
        6 days!
       * breakfast: eggs (one bite = too much), tortillas with peanut butter, watermelon slices,
          orange juice
       * G’s class, followed by C’s class….got 2nd tests back = depressed
                                    ok, so they weren’t THAT bad…
       * snorkeling at Whale’s Shoals was fun (except for getting pica pica on me)
       * lunch: soup, rolls/bread, watermelon slices, cookies, lemonade
       * went fishing with G and 3 of the boys
                 – I caught a barracuda!!!! (threw it back bc it was small)
                 – 3 dolphins kept swimming around the boat =)
       * supper: snapper, potato salad, rice & beans, zucchini, flan, papaya juice
{Day 22}
       5 days!
       * breakfast: french toast with syrup (insert angelic voices), bacon (again with the angelic
         voices), eggs (didn’t eat), orange juice
        * G and C’s classes, followed by snorkeling at Carrie Bow
       * saw: schools of barracuda (scary!!!), elkhorn coral, tons of Sergeant Majors, two huge
          schools of squirrelfish, huge Bat Crab (diameter was 6 to 7 inches across, not
          including the legs).
elkhorn coral
       * lunch: Hot Pockets (hamburger meat, peppers, spices), cookies, watermelon slices,
       * Smithsonian Research place on Carrie Bow Caye = boring and miserable
       * supper: fried chicken, mashed potatoes=), salad, chocolate cake, papaya juice
{Day 23}
       4 days! 3 more days without an air conditioner.
       The heat makes me ill. I’m being eaten alive (literally) by mosquitoes. I can’t wait to go
         home! I am so miserable!
              *sigh* so dramatic….LOL
        * breakfast: flat biscuits, gravy, hard-boiled eggs, bananas, orange juice
        * held a seahorse!! 🙂 AWESOME!!
       “I’m so ill from the heat and itching. I can’t wait to get out of here. The island is pretty
        and the water is gorgeous but the heat and mosquitoes are horrible. I can’t stand it
        anymore. Some people are getting on my nerves. I can’t wait to get away from them.
        It’s the smart remarks, the “I’ve done everything and been everywhere” talks, the “I’m
       always right and I always know what I’m talking about” attitude. I just want to go
       home to people I like and want to be around. If the wind would blow, the heat and
       mosquitoes wouldn’t be so bad, UGH! It’s almost over – no more classes at least; just
       the test tomorrow, the cookout Sunday, and Belize Zoo and Belize City on Monday. We
       fly out on Tuesday! Lunchtime! I’m hungry!”
          WOW….ill much? HAHA 
       * lunch: pasta with chicken & vegetables, chocolate cake, cookies, pineapple slices,
       * snorkeling at Tobacco Cut “They saved the best for last”
       * saw: Queen angelfish, French angelfish, school of barracuda, enormous school of
         Horse-eye Jacks, Black snappers, & a huge lobster

Queen angelfish
French angelfish
Horse-eye Jack
Black snapper
        “I’m hungry! I have a mosquito bite on my ear!” …totally random
       * supper: fish, salad, rice, banana cake, papaya juice
{Day 24}
       3 days!
       * got bitten by a horsefly in my sleep. My wrist is swollen and sore
            (stayed that way all day)
       * breakfast: flat jacks with syrup, omelet-type eggs, bananas, orange juice
       * G and C’s tests…back to back
       * lunch: soup (good), rice (put in soup=better), cookies, lemonade
       * went to Tobacco Caye but not much fun (for me anyway…nothing but drinking…and
         that ain’t my thing)
Tobacco Caye
       * dinner: pork chops, baked potatoes, salad, some kind of cake, papaya juice
       * went to Pelican (others got drunk; A & I went because IZE was out of Sprite…lol)
{Day 25}
       2 days!! I am so ready to go home.
       * packed luggage before breakfast
       * breakfast: pancake-like tortillas, eggs (didn’t eat), watermelon slices (also didn’t eat),
         orange juice 
        * most people hung out in the water and just had fun!
       * the cookout was awesome! (hamburgers and hot dogs)
       “This has actually been an awesome night
           of course it was…it was the last night on the island LOL
{Day 26}
       1 day!!
       * got 3 hours of sleep. Lightning struck-blew up the fuse box
       * breakfast: bread with peanut butter, orange juice
       * IZE to Dangriga; Dangriga to Belize City
       * lunch at “Cheers-with a tropical twist”: nachos (really good!)
          yes, it was named after the show…
       * Belize Zoo

Spider monkey

Scarlet Macaw

       * made it to the hotel-the Radisson 🙂 it was right on the marina
       * we all went to the bar (big screen TV) to watch Ole Miss play in the Super Regionals
         (we lost so no College World Series)
{Day 27} (AKA…the longest day! LOL)
       * slept 12 hours  …apparently big news
       * breakfast: pancakes, bacon, coffee
       * several of us flew out of Belize City to Houston (or was it DFW??)
        – 5 of us had a connecting flight to Memphis and had 56 minutes to get through
          Customs, get luggage from carousel, get luggage back on plane, go through security,
          and get to our terminal….believe it or not, we all made it!
      …and we sat on the runway for 3+ hours
       Semi-short version:
           We were in a line on the runway and they had to stop ground movement. No planes
           could fly to the North because there was a bad storm in that direction.
           We waited forever
           They then decided that all the planes flying north would go around the storm.
           We still waited
           Had to get 2000 pounds more of fuel because of the route change.
           We had to taxi off the runway-and so did the other planes.
          That still took time
           We finally got back to a terminal to get fuel.
     * able to fly original route because the storm was then south of Houston
        “The airport runway looks kinda cool at night. There are little blue lights on the tarmac
          and runways. At least I’m getting to fly at night. Well we are finally able to take off.”

  “HEEERREE WEEE GOOOO!!! YEAH!! Finally airborne! I’m finally on my way home

   back to MS!

      * served us drinks and pretzels

      * sat in the very front seat (no first class-ExpressJet)

       “This trip has been, overall, awesome

         what?? Did I forget about the other 26 miserable days? LOL
       FINALLY HOME!!!!!

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