{Day 15}
12 more days ’til we go home.
*breakfast: waffles, eggs with ham, & orange juice.
* left for Dangriga after breakfast
* lunch: Chinese restaurant somewhere between Dangriga and San Ignacio
* Crystal Paradise: “This place is awesome! Honestly, I think it is better than IZE” (IZE =
International Zoological Expeditions)
– rooming with H & K; next door to G.
– hammocks on the porch
– thatch roofs
– ceiling fans in the rooms
* “I want a hammock. I want a phone card or two or more so I can call home”
* went swimming at San Ignacio Resort (I didn’t swim; I just hung out).
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updated pool picture |
* supper: chips & dip, rice & beans (didn’t eat), some awesome seasoned chicken
(yes, on the bone), and cake.
* had a really bad (bad enough that I barely made it to the hammock) headache-took
two Tylenols, laid down in hammock, fell asleep (the sway of the hammock must have
helped the headache…or rocked me to sleep)
* went inside to lay down on the bed…and the power went out. (off about 10-15
* when the power came back on, G, A, J, C, a high school chaperone from TX, and I
were all at the bar drinking sodas and “chillin’ “.
* went back to my room to take a shower.
“I had only been back in my room for about 10 minutes and was butt naked (TMI…I
know…LOL), had the water running, about to get in the shower. The power goes out
again. I felt my way to my towel, wrapped it around me, and felt my way to the door. I
couldn’t find my clothes so I walked out on the porch…in my towel. I just stood there
for 2 to 3 minutes trying to figure out what I was going to do. I decided to knock on G’s
door and ask to borrow his flashlight just long enough to get some clothes on.”
Yes, I knocked on my teacher’s door with only a towel on.
* borrowed a flashlight, got my clothes back on (the lights came back on once I was
BTW, I did end up getting my shower…for those who might be concerned about that…
{Day 16}
* breakfast: tortillas, boiled zucchini, eggs, bowl of fruit, and orange juice.
* went into town with four others (got phone cards)
* canoeing on the Macal River after lunch. We pulled the canoes out in San Ignacio and
went into town for ice cream. “It was good; anything’s good when it’s cold.”
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ice cream in San Ignacio |
* supper: spaghetti, salad, chips & salsa, and chocolate cake.
* all but 4 of us went into town to go to bars. I taught/played rummy with the “cute TX
chaperone. I won” =)
I talked to my mom tonight=) (we didn’t have to pay $5 a phone call while at Crystal
* “This place is awesome except for the millions of beetles”
11 days.
* Mayan ruins tomorrow
{Day 17}
10 days until we go home.
* only 6 at breakfast this morning: the four who didn’t go into town last night, C, & A.
* breakfast: bread with peanut butter, bowl of sliced pineapple, and refried beans &
* nap before lunch
* lunch: “I don’t remember” haha
* went to the Mayan ruins. (Xunantunich)
– side note: we had to ride a hand-crank ferry to get to the Xunantunich site
“It was better than I thought. I climbed all the way to the top of the palace (the tallest)
but thought I was going to die right before I got to the top. My heart was literally
throbbing out of my body. Once I got up there, I was fine (except for the heat). The
biggest problem was the descent from the top. The stairs were horrible.”
* bought some souvenirs/gifts =)
* went into town and got some ice cream
* dinner: chicken, BBQ sauce, mashed potatoes, beans, and some kind of cookie
* nightly meeting, followed by several going into town to bars. The rest stayed and
played a drinking game they called “golf” (I drank water and Coke). I eventually
stopped playing and just watched the others play.
{Day 18}
9 days.
* took a nap after breakfast (I didn’t go to sleep until 2:30 am)
* lunch: noodles with chicken and something else (I’m sure there was more)
* Rio Frio cave: (didn’t actually go to the cave) we went to the river (or stream) and
rocks. Some went swimming but I didn’t (I did slip and fall so I got my clothes wet…but
I thought it was funny)
* Big Rock: waterfall and deep pools (one under the waterfall, another in front of it).
Almost everyone jumped from the (rock) cliffs into the pools below.
* dinner: tortillas with cheese, lettuce and tomato, salad, beef, rice, and banana bread
* back to South Water Caye tomorrow
{Day 19}
8 days til I go home=)
* breakfast: tortillas with peanut butter, boiled zucchini, beans, eggs (didn’t eat), and
orange juice
* bus to Dangriga was late – everyone hung out and chilled.
* serenaded with all existing versions of “Clementine” by G
* bus arrived 1.5 hours late.
– stopped at Caesar’s Place for souvenirs and gifts
– lunch at Yim Saan Restaurant (I had sweet-n-sour chicken & French fries)
– stopped at another souvenir shop
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shopping at Caesar’s Place |
* most of us slept on the way to Dangriga
* had a covered boat take us back to South Water Caye. The two windows on the front
didn’t latch so with the horrible wind and waves, we got pretty wet. The ride was really
rough; it jarred my body so much that almost everything hurts. “At times, I was a little
* “We made it to the island safely.”
* supper: some kind of meat (I ate two bites and fed the rest to the cat), mashed
potatoes, zucchinis in tomato sauce (wasn’t very good), and coconut cake (I didn’t like
* fun quiz at our nightly meeting-the person with the most correct answers won…I WON!
I had a choice of: (1) first in line at every meal, (2) free 15-minute Internet session, or
(3) $5 paid to bar tab (included Sprites, Cokes, water, whatever)..I choose Numero
* everyone (except me) went to the Pelican to go to the bar. I was on the Internet…I
didn’t care=)
Are you ready for the last week in Belize?
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