I’m playing catch up but… I still wanted to document the books I read this year and my thoughts on each.
Clearly, May was heavy on books/reading!
Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Henry

Becoming Mrs. Lewis is about poet and writer Joy Davidman, who writes a letter to
C.S. Lewis (yes, THAT C.S. Lewis) seeking spiritual answers. Her marriage was
crumbling so she wasn’t looking for love. Without giving too much away, a love
develops that changes both Davidman and Lewis. If you like a good love story, but
not the too-cheesy kind, this is it! Plus, it is C.S. Lewis so…
The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan

Set in Scotland, The Bookshop on the Corner is about Nina, who loses her job as a
librarian in a busy city. Soon, she moves miles away, buys a van, and converts it into
a bookmobile. Her “literary matchmaker” title pays off as she soon starts helping
patrons find books that they love, and they return for more. Along the way, she finds
herself falling in love with her landlord (he sounds like he is my type of what I call
“good-looking”). At one point, it seems she has fallen for a train conductor but I think
it is more of a love for literature and poetry that they share more than anything. This
is one of my favorite type of story -books and love, and a bit of traveling.
The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauck

Someone has sent invitations to Lexa, Jett, Chuck, Ed, and Carol. No one knows who
sent the invitations and they think it is a practical joke. Yet, curiousity and loneliness
bring them all back together each week. These weekly meetings help each one
discover friendships and a love that helps heals their hearts.

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