It’s time to look at the books I read in May!

How Y’all Doing? by Leslie Jordan
Maybe you remember him from Will & Grace, or a few episodes of Reba…or maybe you didn’t really know him until he became viral on Instagram during the pandemic. But anyone that knows him or has heard him or seen him probably loves him!
In his first book, “My Walk Down the Pink Carpet”, he talks about his childhood, his hometown, his family, and how he became an actor. In “How Y’all Doing?”, he talks about how he went “viral”. He talks about his encounter with some rough individuals at a West Hollywood Starbucks, how he received a surprise call from Debbie Reynolds, and many other wonderful stories. When he tells these stories, he is funny, saucy, and yet, still pure. If you loved him, you need to read this book. Even if you have no idea who he is, it is still a good read about a famous actor. You won’t be disappointed! (…and if you don’t know who he is, look him up and I’m sure you will find plenty of shows and movies to watch him in).

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