It’s time to look at the books I read in May!

Force of Nature by Jane Harper
I loved Harper’s first Agent Aaron Falk book so I knew this one couldn’t be bad. I
was right! Force of Nature is very well written and it kept me holding on until the
end. Some nights, I stayed up WAY too late trying to find out what
happened…which leads me to, what Force of Nature is about. 5 ladies, on a
corporate retreat, are “forced” to spend a weekend in the wilderness. Only 4
women come out. Was the 5th murdered? injured? Was it an accident or
intentional? If you like adventure and a mystery, you will want to read this!
Remedial Rocket Science by Susannah Nix
This is a cute little love story about an MIT graduate (unknowingly) finding a job
at the family company of her college one-night-stand. Melody is a computer
geek and Jeremy is a billionaire bad boy. To be fair, he doesn’t stay a bad boy
throughout the book but the reader is reminded of that at different times. I
haven’t read any other books by Susannah Nix but based off of this one, I will
read more. Surely they will be good light reads as well. If you need something
light and sweet love story, this is it. I started this while on vacation and finished
it once I got back home.

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