I’m playing catch up but… I still wanted to document the books I read this year and my thoughts on each.
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson

This book was a selection for MMD’s 2020 Reading Challenge prompt “A book published the
decade you were born” (1980s). “Housekeeping” is about Ruth and younger sister Lucille, who
are first raised by their grandmother, then by two great-aunts, and finally by their aunt. Their
family home is set on a glacial lake, which happens to be the same lake where their
grandfather died in a train wreck and where their mother drove off a cliff. The story shows both
loss and survival, and at times, seems to allude to homelessness. While this may not sound like
an exciting book to read, it is actually well written and was able to keep my attention. While I
didn’t like the thought of their near-homelessness and the losses (grandfather, mother, etc.), I
did enjoy the girls’ “adventures”.

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